What do I believe?
I figured, why not start this thing off in a good old catechism Q&A style like the Episcopalian nerd I am.
So what do I, as a Christian who is into crystal healing, believe?
I believe what's in the Creeds, both Nicene and Apostles', so let's get that foundation set down right away.
I believe that God has hidden good and useful things in creation to give us something to do with the wisdom and intelligence He has given us, and that those things, once discovered, ought to be used for the good of our fellow earthlings in this life.
I don't believe that the Bible says anything against the use of crystals for healing. I've seen lots of arguments that it does, but those arguments all seem to boil down to 'the Bible doesn't say anything about crystal healing'. Well it also doesn't say anything about antibiotics, chemotherapy, x-rays, or vaccines, but we accept those. Why? Beause they're scientific? Most science looks supernatural before it's well understood. Germs once sounded like the talk of madness- tiny, invisible animals are making us sick? What an absurd notion. And yet here we are, now that we simply understand better.
I believe that crystals for healing makes sense in a way we just might not fully understand yet. Everything is made of energy- of miniscule, vibrating specks of matter that appear solid. Why shouldn't crystals, with their lattice structure, emit a useful sort of energy? Why shouldn't that energy have some effect on us, just like x-rays or sound waves or sunlight? We naturally change our mental and emotional tempo to match our surroundings. Why not to match the crystals we deliberately expose ourselves to and pay attention to?
Now here's the kicker- even neck deep in crystals studies as I am, even as much as I'm on the cusp of putting my life on the path of trying to become a crystal therapist, I am not yet 100% sold. I need to see more evidence. I need more trial and error to see whether these beautiful rocks really do have an impact on how people feel. But I'm only going to find out by trying, and oh, I do intend to try.
So what do I believe? I believe that God is infinitely creative, that He gave us more things to investigate in this life than we will ever have time to get to the bottom of, and that crystals are an adventure worth pursuing.