Hi! I’m Samantha.
I’m a certified crystal energy healer and an Episcopalian Christian, living in Pennsylvania with my nonbinary partner and our two cats.
My certification is through an INHA, AADP, IAOTH, CTAA, and NHS accredited teacher, and am currently enrolled in the Love and Light certification program.
It all started with one chunk of quartz.
When I was very small, my dad gave me a quartz point about the size of my whole little hand, and I’ve been in love with crystals ever since.
I studied the healing properties of crystals while I was in high school, but I wasn’t convinced that they could really do anything useful for people. It was more just something that was fun to think about.
Eventually the time came to consider crystals again.
As an adult, I decided that I hadn’t given crystals a fair shake back in high school, and that it was time to do some real research into whether there is anything to crystal healing or not. As you can see, I’ve found that there is!
I go more into detail about it in the ‘How Crystals Work’ section of the site, but after a lot of reading and many experiments on generous friends and family members who were willing to play along, I’m now confident that crystal energy healing really does make us feel better. And if that’s true… well, then, there’s no place I would rather be!
Now I’m ready and excited to share what I’ve learned about crystals with others.
I want nothing more than to put my crystals to work at helping people! Honestly, what’s cooler than that? Crystals are beautiful, amazing works of art that the earth makes with no help from human hands, and the idea that they can help us to feel better is just amazing. How could I not throw myself wholeheartedly into working with them?
I hope you’ll let me show you what crystals can do for you!